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Antionette v. - 5 STARS


I submitted the review to goodreads and amazon UK. Here is the review: An incredible biography It follows the lives of two women, Dora and her daughter Zina, both Bucharan Jews. The biography is roughly divided into two parts, starting with the life of Dora and her travels. The tone of the book moves effortlessly between biographical and storytelling, which in turn causes you to feel as if you know these women intimately. I confess the life of Dora drew me in completely, being a testament to incredible endurance and the mercy of G-d. During the recollection of the life of Zina, I was suddenly impressed by how quickly life had modernized around us, and how much this modernization has influenced our faith lives. Throughout her life, Zina had adapted to her circumstances with grace and beauty. The historical and cultural importance of this book cannot be overestimated. Not only does it describe the life of a little-known culture, but describes it at a time in history when turmoil and conflict irrevocably changed that culture. If it were not for first-person accounts like these, that culture and that time would be completely forgotten. I recommend this book to anyone who loves history, who cherishes culture, and who enjoys being immersed in the lives of remarkable people.


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